virtual components

Self Mastery & Spiritual Private Virtual Coaching

I provide hands-on virtual coaching for a personalized experience while you embark on a life-changing journey mentally, emotionally, and spiritually. I will (virtually) be there with you each step of the way.


You feel stuck in life or struggle with your mindset?

You feel lost and seek clarity on who you are and what you want?

You feel a lack of joy and seek spiritual healing?

You find yourself emotionally eating and overweight?

You struggle to take care of yourself and can not seem to get off the hamster wheel of life?


You are ready to empower yourself with tools to help you navigate through life’s challenges.

You are ready to befriend your ego and be your own best friend, rather than your own worst enemy.

You’re ready to be secure in yourself by connecting deeper with your true self to achieve the confidence to show up as who you really are


The Art of Aligning; Self Mastery & Spiritual Coaching is for you!

Alexis will take you through her 4 step process to help you get clear on

  • Where you’re at
  • What’s working, what’s not & why
  • Where you want to go

“I am the coach who leads my clients to water AND empowers them to drink.”

– Alexis Billings

Together you will come up with your aligned action plan. She will support you and hold you accountable for taking the next steps. The unfolding process begins as you reflect and refine and begin to align with who you really are, what you want and maintain your growth and self mastery.

Begin The Process Here

What is one thing you would like to see happen from my Self Mastery & Spiritual Coaching program?

Topics we work on include

Physical health & well-being

  • Weight loss
  • Emotional eating
  • Healthy eating
  • Exercise
  • Home envirnorment


Emotional health & well-being

  • Ego work
  • Self connection
  • Self care
  • Healthy relationships
  • Social life
  • Creativity


Spiritual health & well-being

  • Routines, rituals, habits & practices
  • Identifying values
  • Meditation 
  • Visualization
  • Joy


How long does someone typically work with you?

Time frame varies based on each individual and what they are working on to heal, release and master. The process of self mastery is never one and done. Transformation takes time. Depending on your goals, anywhere from a few months to 2 years is a realistic expectation.  

What is the cost?

Investing in your well-being is the best thing you can do for yourself. Alexis offers 3, 6, 9 and 12 month coaching packages.

Contact me to learn more and schedule your complimentary consultation.

Begin The Process Here

What is one thing you would like to see happen from my Self Mastery & Spiritual Coaching program?

Schedule an Appointment

Virtual via Zoom or Google

Email Me