The holiday season is upon us and you may be one of the many who are trying to stay sane running from gathering to gathering all while trying to balance “regular” life. It’s just that time of the year. I have found grounding work to be really important during times of chaos or busy times of life. During these times it’s easy to get caught up in everything that is happening around us and put our well-being on the back burner (“I’ll do that later.”). However, when we take even just a little bit of time for ourselves we can feel more refreshed, aligned, grounded and happy.

So here are 4 of my favorite grounding exercises to help realign us during times that can pull us away from ourselves. Stay tuned because next month I’ll share my other 4 favorite practices to add to your toolbox.

1. Breath Work
There are a few different ways to practice breathwork and I’ll describe some below but first, know that breathwork does wonders for our mind and body. The simple act of taking a deep breath can ease tension in our shoulders and chest and we can feel lighter almost immediately.

Deep breath in and sigh out. Your standard deep breaths in with a slow heavy sigh out. Try 5 of these when feeling tense or needing to release some heaviness.

7.4.7. This one you slowly inhale deeply for a count of seven, expanding your chest and tummy. Hold the breath for a count of four, then release slowly and controlled for a count of seven, pressing all the air out of you. Try 5 of these when feeling rushed and chaotic and wanting to slow down. In the car, at home, wherever.

Belly breaths. This one is tricky for some as it can be hard to expand your belly. You start with inhaling through your nose but fill your belly up first then your lungs. Pause just for a moment and then slowly and controlled release the breath from your lungs first then your belly. Empty everything out using your stomach muscles to push out anything left. Try 5 of these with your eyes closed to bring yourself back to the present moment. Focusing on the sensations you feel in your body and filling that belly first then the lungs with a slow and controlled release.

2. Journal for 10 minutes
Gratitude and intentions for the day. Use a journal to write down 1 to 3 things that your grateful for at that moment. Then write down 1 to 3 intentions for that day. Do not focus on tasks so much as to focus on feeling. For example, It is my intention to move through my day with grace and patience. I will smile and engage with everyone I meet. This can help you set the tone for your day and help you stay in a high vibration all day with a simple mantra to help you remember your intention.

Free write/mind dump. You can start your day or end your day with this one. If it was a day where you were feeling super low vibes, it might be best to do it at night. If it helps to clear your mind in the morning, take a few minutes during your morning coffee. All you’re going to do it set a timer for 5 to 10 minutes and start writing whatever comes to mind. It might be, I don’t know what to write, over and over again but I’m sure that if you start with that, something will fall out of your mind and onto the paper and you’ll be mind dumping in no time.

3. Go outside and ground your bare feet into the earth
Obviously not everyone will be able to do this during holiday time depending on where you live, but it is still an excellent tool for grounding. There is nothing like putting things in perspective by feeling the earth under you. Reminding us that there is so much more to life than what we can get caught up in in the day-to-day. Even if it’s a little chilly out, try this one. The chill could be a refreshing wake up and give you just what you need. Use this to help bring you back to the present.

4. Practice gratitude and stay in your lane
The first journaling practice can really assist you in this one. Anytime we are effected by something happening outside of ourselves, infuse it with a little bit of gratitude and a reminder of your intentions or what you’re working on in that moment. This will help you remember to not get caught in someone else’s web and to stay in your lane. It can help ground you in your journey. The harder you find this to do, the more important it is for you to practice it.

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